Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Where is Barney? That is the question N and I are asking at the moment. After beating up anything that stood higher than an ant for 2 nights, he has not come back here. Have made mental note to paste a link for parents with overweight children and how dangerous it is and do you think I can remember it!! Will find it and post it up. Thank goodness for the cooler weather. I encountered a brown snake yesterday and I could have sworn it was smiling at me. At this time of the year, every stick is a potential threat to stay clear of. Certainly gets the heart racing. I think I prefer winter, no snakes to dodge, no mosquitoes waiting outside to devour you.

One of the male wombats escaped out of his enclosure a few weeks ago. The philosophy here is if wombats are clever enough to escape, they are ready to go. I had left his enclosure open as he had a very good burrow and it gives them time to adjust if they aren't quite sure of themselves yet. Lo and behold, a few nights ago, he was seen leaving with a smaller female, both coming out of his burrow. I have been watching wombats for years in the wild and this is only the second time I have seen this occur. So Forrest has a lady friend which he is clearly protecting. You always learn something new with these incredible creatures. So much smarter than some humans I meet (yes yes, that is a personal opinion:).

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