Friday, 2 November 2012

Lesson for life - might save that for later:)

So the new little guy is doing really well but I hate to put that into words as it can change so quickly with the little wombats. He is drinking very well which is the first thing to go wrong if they are going to go downhill. I also might just put a reminder out there that the work we do with the wildlife and wombats is completely voluntary:). And that wombats are nocturnal:).

Veg and her little bub are doing brilliantly. Her wounds are healing so so well. Some observations of a pregnant wombat - as we have never had one in care actually pregnant - it appears pregnant wombats eat more and sleep more. Veg is clearly eating for two and is sleeping almost 20 hours per day.  I had never thought about any correlation to being pregnant as a human being but having been there myself, its an interesting comparison:).

We opened up the enclosure area again for Moses during the week and he did not come back. He has gone in the direction of the creek and decided to give living in the bush his best shot. Boney Bum the resident male hasn't been around which might mean he is asserting himself and his territory because a new male is 'in town' so to speak. Hopefully everybody will behave themselves and we won't have any injured males.

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