Thursday, 1 March 2012

Can the sun shine please?

Well, we made it through the last 24 hours with a total of 205mls falling in the last 3 days. And it is still raining now. Wombat wise, well that is just a joke. The enclosures are a bog, burrows flooded, etc. Everybody has a dry pipe to go into and bedding but of course, that is not the same for these creatures. And to top things off, another male badly attacked in this evening so have been cleaning out his wounds. Not sure about him but will have to see how he goes. I am not sure how bad the infection is in his back. Once all the nasties are out and he has rested, I will have a better look but for now the wounds are cleaner and medicated and he is resting. There are those days when you think 'no more please' and it just happens that way. We are all starting to get cabin fever and snapping at each other but that is going to happen I guess when you simply cannot be outside or drive somewhere. Hopefully the waters will subside by tomorrow if there is no heavy rainfall overnight as if they do, I am going to get into my vehicle and get OUT!

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