Monday, 19 March 2012

With wombats, there is ALWAYS a reason

Ah, makes perfect sense now. Veg has been coming out very early to eat. This meant that something was wrong. We have just gone out and given her an injection and cleaned out her nose. She is bleeding from her nostrils tonight and her chest sounds horrific. She has pneumonia. This is quite common in wombats and if not treated will kill them. So she begins her treatment. Thankfully she is one female which we can still catch. She has come back for help, as they do. So you see, another 'quiet night' - not! Now off to syringe feel Mr Bean who is still not eating or drinking. Thankfully Buzz appears to be thriving and Harry appears to be responding well to treatment for his wounds although his back still has a very prominent arch which indicates pain. Back to it.

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